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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The MBA Journey

When I was at L&T, just a week back, I tried to 'google' texts like 'things to do before you start your MBA course' or stuff like  'things to read before embarking the MBA journey' and surprisingly GOOGLE always came short on this search. Somehow I could never locate the things ( may be because nothing matched what I had imagined I should find; something at least half as grand as the MBA promise! ).

Tense as I was with all the feedbacks that I was getting- '5 years work ex.. Gooo.. (deep pause) but I think you will have this Albatross hanging in your neck', 'you never know what the placements might be like but it's gonna be difficult'.  At moments like these I'd just close my eyes and think when was the time I could/should have gone to a B-school. Just after the college I was a disaster- I could have messed the best of the opportunities back then. Then started my love with Civil engineering, although she (Civil Engineering!) couldn't pay me back as I'd have wished I was not getting enough of her. There was so many things I could do with her but couldn't was just not okay with me..

I spent some amazing professional time with TATA Consulting Engineers. One month after I shed my Trainee skin  I was asked to go to Amsterdam !! Gosh what a dream run! Just thinking about it  brings a chuckle to my mood ! Although it seems like no big a deal... but people, take this in to perspective .. I was not working in IT industry.. I was working in a traditional hard core engineering company where you just don't get such chances.. You don't send your Trainees for technological discussions.. Every one was wary ..  TATA projects director, who has to finance my stay there was just reminding me all the time .. 'See this is the minimum that we expect from You.. Bring the approval..'

Then L&T happened.. And it brought some amazing prospects with it.. I just couldn't say quits.. and Now that I have finally 'goodbyed' my sweetheart for 5 years.. I find myself.. in the best possible time of MY life when I could have embarked this journey..!!  I really couldn't have taken this journey any time sooner without losing some of the important lessons in life or without knowing some of the amazing people I have known my entire life..

So Finally here I am .. Tense, Stiff and Uncomfortable. In this week's time if there was 2 hours when I was relaxed, chill and slouched it was in Dr Prasad Aka Dr Mandi's class.. The inspiration of this blog..

People SEE Dr Mandi Here..

I really want to write a lot about the class today but that's going to be my next blog.. I am going to dedicate a complete blog to his teaching philosophy, whatever I understood in one class, and let me tell you it had profound (and relaxing) effects on me..




  1. New journey has started and this type of knowledge will definitely bring out some innovations... All the best for coming phases

  2. So take the photographs and still frames in your mind..
    Hang it on a shelf in good health and good times..
    Tattoos of memories and dead skin on the trial..
    For what is worth it was worth all the while..
    This was a chirpy read NCV and I am glad that you could fathom enough to finally complete one article (pun intended).. Learning is always fun in the company of nice people.. I will visit this page regularly provided you keep it updated about the happenings in your new world.. It was a good beginning..
    .. Keep writing..

  3. Hope to see u display an awesome experience of sir's class in future Nishant..
    Keep up the good work!!

  4. 1. loved ur write up... love to interact with you..

    Meet me ... when you are free..

    1. Sure Sir!! Thank you very much for your encouragement.
